Snakes and Ladders
Snakes & Ladders board game by Topsail Games.

In the 60's and 70's simple games like Snakes & Ladders were still very much a part of nearly every kids' toy cv.

Which is why it's something of a surprise that this particular Camberwick example is proving to be quite elusive.

But I do know that it came with one die [dice],one plastic cup to act as a shaker and 16 small,round plastic counters - 4 each in blue,red,green and yellow.

And the box dimensions are approx. 27cm x 21cm x 4cm.

No confirmation of the exact date yet though.But it definitely won't be any later than mid 70's.

And I'm also looking forward to getting some better pics of that nice box design and the great artwork on the board.